Thursday, January 7, 2010

Undeleted and Ready for A Good Year

Well I decided to reinstate the blog even if only for a few readers. Just after I deleted due to lack of motivation regarding running among other things I found out my daughter is a regular reader. She would read at school during her computer time and said she wanted me to continue. That was really all I needed. Regarding running I reached an all time worst year in the six years I have been at this. I guess life is just like that sometimes it kicks you in the butt and you have to keep going in the hope that better things lie ahead. My last entry was about our puppy Jake we adopted from BARC over Thanksgiving. He passed away after two weeks due to a bad case of distemper which he had before we adopted him. Later I read an article about BARC and how most of the animals there are sick and disease is rampant in the kennels. I really hope 2010 is much better, I am ready for some happy times. I plan to run the half marathon this year but very slowly. I really don't know what to expect since this is the first year I have had such sparse training. I guess I will just hope it is cold enough to propel me to the finish! I think that indoor running will be on the agenda for the rest of this week as I am a real wimp in the cold...


Junie B said...

I'm still here whenever you update!!! it shows me on my Reader. :O)

Priscilla said...

Cool! Thanks:)

elf said...

Yep--I'm still reading, too. Glad you're back! :)